Conference Program

Times are displayed in the event's local time (GMT +02:00)
08:55 - 09:25
09:25 - 09:45

Biomarkers are Essential for an Early and Reliable Diagnosis in Rare Metabolic Diseases

09:45 - 10:05

Diagnosing Fabry Disease: Still an Enigma

10:45 - 11:15
11:50 - 12:10
12:10 - 12:30

Clinical Manifestations of Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency (LAL-D): The International LAL-D Registry

12:30 - 12:55

Introduction to Gene Therapy and Gene Manipulations

12:55 - 13:15

In-Vivo Gene Therapy for Neuronopathic Gaucher Disease

13:15 - 13:40

Lentiviral Gene Therapy for Patients with Lysosomal Disorders (LDs): Clinical Data Update

08:10 - 08:35

Improving Early Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis

08:35 - 09:00

Biomarkers for the Mucopolysaccharidoses

09:00 - 09:15

Pathogenesis of Fabry Nephropathy: The Pathways Leading to Fibrosis

09:15 - 09:45

The Common c.-32-13T>G Splicing Variant of GAA gene: From Functional Characterization to the Identification of New Therapeutic Targets for Pompe Disease

09:45 - 10:05

Bisretinoid Accumulation in Retina. Shining a Light

10:45 - 11:20

LSDs in India: Current Scenario of Services and Research

11:20 - 11:40

National Program for the Management of LSDs in Australia

11:40 - 12:00

Role of Patients' Support Groups - IGA as a Model

12:00 - 12:30

The Importance of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Lysosomal Disorders

12:30 - 12:50

Patients' Support Groups and Political Complexities

12:50 - 13:20

Successful Public and Private Partnership in Fighting Lysosomal Diseases